Road Extension Will Improve Access to Services in Severn

The Township of Severn has a road extension project underway that will help improve access to services. 

The Township is expanding West Street by 200 metres to connect it with Reinbird Street. Currently, any traffic travelling to Reinbird Street can only access the area using an older-style bridge called a “bailey” bridge. 

Completion of this extension will offer direct road access and eliminate the need for the bridge crossing, or future repairs and replacement of the structure.

Additionally, it provides for a safer travel route for motorists and emergency response vehicles. 

The extension project will also include drainage improvements, new watermain and services, new driveway entrances, new streetlighting and landscaping. 

This project is anticipated to wrap up later in 2024. 

A roadway expansion project will be completed in the Township of Severn in 2024.


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